Webshop available again from March 5th

Webshop available again from March

What is a diabetic foot?

A diabetic foot, or diabetic foot syndrome, is a complication that can occur in people with the metabolic disorder "diabetes." It involves damage to the nerves of the feet, which can lead to numbness, pain, or loss of sensation in the feet. Since individuals with a diabetic foot can lose their ability to feel pain, it is important to pay special attention to careful foot care to avoid injuries and infections.


Our Shoe Recommendation

Suitable shoes for people with diabetic feet should have a good fit with soft cushioning to reduce pressure on the foot. Construction without pressing seams, soles with rolling aids, and spacious, wide, soft toe boxes avoid pressure on the toes and forefoot, reducing the risk of pressure sores and wounds. Breathable materials prevent moisture buildup, improve wound healing, and reduce the risk of infections.

Diabetics with sensory impairments should regularly check their shoes for foreign objects. Special "diabetes-adapted" insoles ensure good pressure distribution and relief of risk areas on the foot.

Our SENSITIV shoes have been developed in collaboration with doctors and leading specialists specifically for the sensitive feet of diabetics.

To our GANTER SENSITIV shoes: women | men


Der ideale Komfortschuh für Menschen mit besonders sensiblen Füßen

Unsere GANTER SENSITIV Komfortschuhe bieten viel Platz für die Zehen in Länge, Breite und Höhe. Ein zusätzliches Raumangebot entsteht durch den Einsatz von dehnfähigen Blatteinsätzen, bei gleichzeitig sicherem Fersenhalt. Drückende Nähte haben wir komplett vermieden. Das SENSITIV Funktionsfutter polstert den Fuß und wirkt durch eine Silberveredelung* antimikrobiell und macht den Komfortschuh auswaschbar. 
GANTER SENSTIV Schuhe sind somit bestens geeignet für Diabetiker und Rheumatiker.


GANTER recommends